Friday, July 29, 2011

An Ode to Facebook

A dash of blue is all I need,
To keep me glued to the computer screen,
Already I’m thinking whats on my mind,
One which would beget maximum comments of its kind.
A new 'profile picture' would do fine,
If it generates a buzz for a while.
I put a ‘like’ coz my friends ‘like’ it,
If they act smart, how can I be left behind?
I am always connected to my friends, thanks to ‘wall post’;
And once in a while, I give them a ‘poke’.
I send ‘request’s even to people whom I’ve never met,
But that’s just because I want to globally connect.
I sometimes get into my farm just for a change,
But I would prefer ‘mafiawars’ if I want some kind of avenge.
My real world is a lone , distant sky,
But in my virtual world, I am a star to a thousand prying eyes.


  1. Ah, this is refreshing ..A real fun poem ...

  2. beautiful poetry. i just stumbled upon your blog today as I voted for my daughters blog .
    do follow us back on
